Altering our offerings for covid.

As the State of Maine has started opening to larger gatherings this month, Barnard Financial has begun offering our educational workshops for retirees and pre-retirees once again.  Because of the current health crisis, we have altered the format and capacity of our gatherings to allow for physical distancing so that people can still safely get the information that is so vital to their retirement health.  Our workshops are now much smaller (often capped at 10-15 people) but still offer a judgement-free, safe, and comprehensive opportunity for people to have their vital retirement planning questions answered. 

With markets and lives in a special kind of turmoil as of late, it is even more important than ever to get the information and guidance that you need to help you move through the next few years with confidence.  We have found here at Barnard Financial that, although there is more information online about retirement than anyone could possibly get through in their lifetime, it is near impossible to figure out what is accurate, outdated, or relevant.  

The seminars that Jeremy offers are a very good place to start your journey of information gathering.  With topics ranging from Social Security optimization and Retirement Income planning, to Asset Preservation, Long Term Care planning, and Tax efficiency, the information Jeremy gives will help you begin, or solidify, the retirement journey you started.  If you want to continue and delve deeper with Jeremy, he offers his attendees a free consultation to discuss their particular goals and dreams for their retirement. 


Authenticity & who we are.


A non-planner on the importance of planning.